Avivia CRO Logo

From concept to pharmaceutical Formulation and beyond

Welcome to Avivia and we hope to be in touch soon!

Avivia has four complementary pharmaceutical R&D speciality service platforms:

Avivia has four complementary pharmaceutical R&D speciality service platforms:

Avivia for all


Big Pharma, speciality pharma, small entrepreneurial drug development firms, generic drug companies, universities, excipient manufacturers, law firms and even venture capital firms… our customer base is very broad and diverse.  Although most of our activities are focused on wet-lab product development, we also provide hands-on support services in fields such as IP protection and development, investor’s due diligence, upscaling support, deformulation analysis, life cycle management strategy development, etc.
We have learned that serving many players with very different interests makes us stronger!

Be it the protection or creation of new formulation patents for originator products or the evasion of established formulation patents for generic drug development, we are constantly seeking new IP opportunities to maximize product value. Combined, our team are inventors on more than 30 granted patents on diverse drug products. Patents are in our DNA!

IP creation, protection and evasion

IP creation, protection and evasion

Be it the protection or creation of new formulation patents for originator products or the evasion of established formulation patents for generic drug development, we are constantly seeking new IP opportunities to maximize product value. Combined, our team are inventors on more than 30 granted patents on diverse drug products. Patents are in our DNA!

Avivia in numbers

Number of unique molecules worked on by Avivia team members
Number of patents filed by Avivia team members
Average number of client projects we complete every year

Avivia is a Dutch independent Pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (CRO) located in the Netherlands (EU), and your partner in drug formulation, reformulation, repurposing, repositioning and
generation or protection of intellectual property.

Avivia is specialized in medicinal product development. From product evaluation to comprehensive formulation and analytical development, excipient characterisation, reverse engineering, dissolution test development,
stability studies, IMPD production, CMO selection and transfer.

Our expertise and capabilities are centred around formulation and CMC development of both generic drugs, life cycle management of branded drug products and new drug products (NCE).


Avivia has four complementary pharmaceutical R&D speciality service platforms:




Project evaluation

Concept formulation selection

Strategy plan

Development plan

Concept Development

Concept formulations

Develop analytical methods

Test concept formulations

Formulation selection

Product Development

Optimize Formulation

Analytical method optimization

Stability screening

Select CMO

Process Development

Process development

Analytical method verification

Stability batches

Stability testing

Transfer to CMO

Technology transfer

Analytical method validation

Technical package

Production tech batch

Production clinical batch


Yes/No project Feasible

Target formulation selected

Lab-Scale batches prepared

Stability batch manufactured

Process transferred to CMO

Analytical methods identified

Analytical methods set

Production process set

Clinical batch produced

Concept formulation selected

Product specifications set

Analytical Methods Validated

Tech batch produced

Development planned

CMO selected

Stability testing complete

Avivia for all


Big Pharma, speciality pharma, small entrepreneurial drug development firms, generic drug companies, universities, excipient manufacturers, law firms and even venture capital firms… our customer base is very broad and diverse.  Although most of our activities are focused on wet-lab product development, we also provide hands-on support services in fields such as IP protection and development, investor’s due diligence, upscaling support, deformulation analysis, life cycle management strategy development, etc.
We have learned that serving many players with very different interests makes us stronger!

Be it the protection or creation of new formulation patents for originator products or the evasion of established formulation patents for generic drug development, we are constantly seeking new IP opportunities to maximize product value. Combined, our team are inventors on more than 30 granted patents on diverse drug products. Patents are in our DNA!

IP creation, protection and evasion

IP creation and evasion

Be it the creation of new formulation patents for originator products or the evasion of established formulation patents for generic drug development, we are constantly seeking new IP opportunities to maximize product value. Combined, our team are inventors on more than 30 granted patents on diverse drug products. Patents are in our DNA!

Avivia in numbers

Number of unique molecules worked on by Avivia team members
Number of patents filed by Avivia team members
Average number of client projects we complete every year

Avivia to get you back on track

We like to get involved right from the start of a development project and work closely together with our clients and partners on transforming the idea into a product with a solid and commercially viable target product profile (TPP). We set the bar high but always work step by step with a clear focus on reaching the required end-result in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.
Contact us and let’s see how we can work together on putting your ideas into practice!

Avivia to kick-start a development

In many of the projects we encounter, the development has derailed or – in the worst case and despite all previous efforts – has reached a dead end. We are known for our ability to see through the results and to bring up new ways of approaching the project leading to commercial success. Is it our product-driven mindset that makes the difference? Is it our interdisciplinary development approach or our unique technology capacities and experience?
Hard to say but we are very proud that we often succeed where others have failed before!

Network to accelerate

Avivia has access to a great team of pharmaceutical and analytical R&D professionals as well as to state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and equipment. We have also developed a large network or preferred partners in other fields such as pre-clinical development, GMP manufacturing and regulatory affairs. If relevant, we can always make use of their expertise and capacity to further optimize and accelerate customer projects.
It’s great to have friends!

Our core values

We are focused on


Success makes everybody proud and happy.

We are committed to


Only by working closely together we can reach the mindset that leads to real and innovative products.

We are dedicated to the

highest standards

We always aim for the optimal result, fit to the situation!

Lee Ayres Managing director Avivia BV

“So, this is Avivia in a nutshell. I hope we have been able to trigger your interest so far! In the ‘Services’ and ‘Lab Capabilities’ sections of our website you can find the different services we offer to pharmaceutical, generics and drug development companies.  If you are interested to learn more about Avivia, don’t hesitate to contact us and we would be happy to help you accelerating your development programs!”

JL, Managing Director Avivia BV

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